Module Grpc.Buffer

type t

t represents a buffer which is based on bytes but keeps track of the length of valid data inside it. The internal capacity is increased when needed.

val v : ?capacity:int -> unit -> t

c ~capacity () creates a new buffer with internal capacity capacity.

val length : t -> int

length t returns the length of valid data in the buffer.

val capacity : t -> int

capacity t returns the total capacity of the buffer.

val to_bytes : t -> bytes

to_bytes t converts the valid data in the buffer into bytes.

val to_string : t -> string

to_string t converts the valid data in the buffer into a string.

val copy_from_bigstringaf : src_off:int -> src:Bigstringaf.t -> dst:t -> length:int -> unit

copy_from_bigstringaf ~src_off ~src ~dst ~length copies data from src into dst starting from src_off and ending at src_off + length to the end of the buffer.

val sub : start:int -> length:int -> t -> t

sub ~start ~length t creates a new buffer from the current, containing the data in the range [start, start+length).

val get_u8 : pos:int -> t -> int

get_u8 ~pos t returns the unsigned 8 bit integer at pos in t.

val get_u32_be : pos:int -> t -> int

get_u32_be ~pos t returns the unsigned 32 bit big endian integer at pos in t.

val shift_left : by:int -> t -> unit

shift_left ~by t shifts t left by by positions, discarding the data.